Archive for October 2018

The Day I Ask My People To Fight With The Crows Is The Day My People Cut My Guts From My Belly And Make Me Eat Them.

The day I ask my people to fight with the crows is the day my people cut my guts from my belly and make me eat them.
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Bronn: And Once We've Got The Princess, Then What? Jaime Lannister: I Like To Improvise. Bronn: That Explains The Golden Hand.

Bronn: And once we've got the princess, then what? Jaime Lannister: I like to improvise. Bronn: That explains the golden hand.
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Cersei Lannister: I'll Speak To The King This Evening, Have Him Issue A Royal Decree. Petyr Baelish: I'll Not Rest Until The Lion Flies Over Winterfell. Cersei Lannister: And I'll Know You're A Man Of Your Word When I See Sansa Stark's Head On A Spike. Petyr Baelish: As I Said... I Live To Serve.

Cersei Lannister: I'll speak to the king this evening, have him issue a royal decree. Petyr Baelish: I'll not rest until the lion...
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I'm Sansa Stark Of Winterfell. This Is My Home And You Can't Frighten Me.

I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me.
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Cersei Lannister: I'm The Insulted Party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras Was Promised To Me. Instead He Chose The Company Of Boys. Petyr Baelish: One's Choice Of Companion Is A Curious Thing.

Cersei Lannister: I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me. Instead he chose the company of boys. Petyr Bae...
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Let Stannis And Roose Battle. Let The Enemies Of The Throne Slaughter Each Other And When They're Done, Seize Winterfell From Whichever Thief Survives.

Let Stannis and Roose battle. Let the enemies of the Throne slaughter each other and when they're done, seize Winterfell from whichev...
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Lancel Lannister: Step Carefully, Lord Baelish. You'll Find There's Little Tolerance For Flesh Peddlers In The New King's Landing. Petyr Baelish: We Both Peddle Fantasies, Brother Lancel. Mine Just Happen To Be Entertaining.

Lancel Lannister: Step carefully, Lord Baelish. You'll find there's little tolerance for flesh peddlers in the new King's Lan...
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Cersei Lannister: The Famously Tart-Tongued Queen Of Thorns. Olenna Tyrell: And The Famous Tart Queen Cersei.

Cersei Lannister: The famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns. Olenna Tyrell: And the famous tart Queen Cersei.
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They Make A Lovely Couple. A Lannister And A Martell. They Have No Idea How Dangerous That Is.

They make a lovely couple. A Lannister and a Martell. They have no idea how dangerous that is.
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Reek... I Told You To Watch. You've Known Sansa Since She Was A Girl. Now Watch Her Become A Woman.

Reek... I told you to watch. You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman.
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Tyrion Lannister: You Can't Just Hand A Dry C*Ck To A Merchant And Expect Him To Pay For It. He Has To Know It Came From A Dwarf. And How Could He Know Unless He Sees The Dwarf? Slaver: It Will Be A Dwarf-Sized C*Ck. Tyrion Lannister: Guess Again.

Tyrion Lannister: You can't just hand a dry c*ck to a merchant and expect him to pay for it. He has to know it came from a dwarf. And...
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When You Were Whole, It Would Have Been A Good Fight.

When you were whole, it would have been a good fight.
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It's Better To Wait For The Right Time Than Risk Everything.

It's better to wait for the right time than risk everything.
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Sansa Stark: All Day I'm Locked In This Room And Every Night He Comes... It Can't Be Any Worse. Theon Greyjoy: It Can. It Can Always Be Worse.

Sansa Stark: All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes... It can't be any worse. Theon Greyjoy: It can. It can alw...
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Olenna Tyrell: A Man Of The People Who Does Cersei's Dirty Work For Her. High Sparrow: The People Always Do The Dirty Work.

Olenna Tyrell: A man of the people who does Cersei's dirty work for her. High Sparrow: The people always do the dirty work.
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Bastards Can Rise High In The World. Like Your Half-Brother Jon Snow. Born The Bastard Of Winterfell, Now The Lord Commander Of The Night's Watch.

Bastards can rise high in the world. Like your half-brother Jon Snow. Born the bastard of Winterfell, now the Lord Commander of the Night...
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He Was The Blood Of The Dragon But Now His Fire Has Gone Out. And Now His Watch Is Ended.

He was the blood of the dragon but now his fire has gone out. And now his watch is ended.
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Daenerys Targaryen: I Am A Queen, Not A Butcher. Daario Naharis: All Rulers Are Either Butchers Or Meat.

Daenerys Targaryen: I am a queen, not a butcher. Daario Naharis: All rulers are either butchers or meat.
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Daenerys Targaryen: Who Are You? Tyrion Lannister: I Am The Gift. It's A Pleasure To Meet You, Your Grace. My Name Is Tyrion Lannister.

Daenerys Targaryen: Who are you? Tyrion Lannister: I am the gift. It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. My name is Tyrion Lannister.
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No Matter Who You Are, No Matter How Strong You Are, Sooner Or Later, You'll Face Circumstances Beyond Your Control.

No matter who you are, no matter how strong you are, sooner or later, you'll face circumstances beyond your control.
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Sometimes Sacrifices Must Be Made To Ensure Victory.

Sometimes sacrifices must be made to ensure victory.
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The Past Is The Past. The Future Is All That's Worth Discussing.

The past is the past. The future is all that's worth discussing.
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We March To Victory Or We March To Defeat. But We Go Forward. Only Forward.

We march to victory or we march to defeat. But we go forward. Only forward.
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Look At Me. Look At My Face. It's The Last Thing You'll See Before You Die.

Look at me. Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die.
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Your Name Is Theon Greyjoy. Last Surviving Son Of Balon Greyjoy, Lord Of The Iron Islands.

Your name is Theon Greyjoy. Last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands.
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Olenna Tyrell: When House Tyrell Stops Sending Our Crops To The Capital, Everyone Here Will Starve. And I'll Make Sure The Hungry Know Who's To Blame. High Sparrow: Have You Ever Sowed The Field, Lady Olenna? Have You Ever Reaped The Grain? Has Anyone In House Tyrell? A Lifetime Of Wealth And Power Has Left You Blind In One Eye. You Are The Few, We Are The Many. And When The Many Stop Fearing The Few...

Olenna Tyrell: When House Tyrell stops sending our crops to the capital, everyone here will starve. And I'll make sure the hungry kno...
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Myrcella Baratheon: You Looked Different When I Left. You Had More Hair. Jaime Lannister: And More Hands.

Myrcella Baratheon: You looked different when I left. You had more hair. Jaime Lannister: And more hands.
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You Should Hold On To Your Candles. The Nights Are So Long Now.

You should hold on to your candles. The nights are so long now.
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What Will We Find When We Strip Away Your Finery? A Young Man Came To Us Not Long Ago. Broken In Body And Spirit. He Had So Much To Strip Away. So Much Weighing Him Down. But Piece By Piece, He Unburdened Himself. Let Go Of Vanity, Pride, Sin. Now His Soul Is So Light, He Will Float Through The Seven Heavens Like A Bird. And He Has Much To Say About You.

What will we find when we strip away your finery? A young man came to us not long ago. Broken in body and spirit. He had so much to strip...
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Daenerys Targaryen: If You Are Tyrion Lannister, Why Shouldn't I Kill You To Pay Your Family Back For What It Did To Mine? Tyrion Lannister: You Want Revenge Against The Lannisters? I Killed My Mother Joanna Lannister On The Day I Was Born. I Killed My Father Tywin Lannister With A Bolt To The Heart. I Am The Greatest Lannister Killer Of Our Time.

Daenerys Targaryen: If you are Tyrion Lannister, why shouldn't I kill you to pay your family back for what it did to mine? Tyrion Lan...
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Tormund Giantsbane: You Trust Me, Jon Snow? Jon Snow: Does That Make Me A Fool? Tormund Giantsbane: We're Fools Together Now.

Tormund Giantsbane: You trust me, Jon Snow? Jon Snow: Does that make me a fool? Tormund Giantsbane: We're fools together now.
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Killing And Politics Aren't Always The Same Thing.

Killing and politics aren't always the same thing.
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Daenerys Targaryen: Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They're All Just Spokes On A Wheel. Daenerys Targaryen: This One's On Top, Then That One's On Top. And On And On It Spins, Crushing Those On The Ground. Tyrion Lannister: It's A Beautiful Dream, Stopping The Wheel. You're Not The First Person Who's Ever Dreamt It. Daenerys Targaryen: I'm Not Going To Stop The Wheel. I'm Going To Break The Wheel.

Daenerys Targaryen: Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They're all just spokes on a wheel. Daenerys Targaryen: This one&...
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A Smart Commander Does Not Abandon A Defensive Advantage.

A smart commander does not abandon a defensive advantage.
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A Ruler Who Kills Those Devoted To Her Is Not A Ruler Who Inspires Devotion.

A ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion.
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Sometimes A Man Has To Make Hard Choices, Choices That Might Look Wrong To Others, But You Know Are Right In The Long Run.

Sometimes a man has to make hard choices, choices that might look wrong to others, but you know are right in the long run.
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Tyrion Lannister: So If I'm Not Going To Be Murdered And I'm Not Going To Be Banished... Daenerys Targaryen: You're Going To Advise Me.

Tyrion Lannister: So if I'm not going to be murdered and I'm not going to be banished... Daenerys Targaryen: You're going to ...
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Karsi: You Vouch For This Man, Tormund? Tormund Giantsbane: He's Prettier Than Both My Daughters, But He Knows How To Fight. He's Young, But He Knows How To Lead. He Didn't Have To Come To Hardhome. He Came Because He Needs Us And We Need Him.

Karsi: You vouch for this man, Tormund? Tormund Giantsbane: He's prettier than both my daughters, but he knows how to fight. He's...
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I Believe In Second Chances. I Don't Believe In Third Chances.

I believe in second chances. I don't believe in third chances.
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If A Man Knows What He Is And Remains True To Himself The Choice Is No Choice At All. He Must Fulfill His Destiny And Become Who He Is Meant To Be. However Much He May Hate It.

If a man knows what he is and remains true to himself the choice is no choice at all. He must fulfill his destiny and become who he is me...
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It's Always Changing, Who We're Supposed To Love And Who We're Not. The Only Thing That Stays The Same Is That We Want Who We Want.

It's always changing, who we're supposed to love and who we're not. The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we...
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Hizdahr Zo Loraq: So Your Reasons Are True And Theirs Are False? They Don't Know Their Own Minds, But You Do? Tyrion Lannister: Well Said. You're An Eloquent Man. Doesn't Mean You're Wrong. In My Experience, Eloquent Men Are Right Every Bit As Often As Imbeciles.

Hizdahr zo Loraq: So your reasons are true and theirs are false? They don't know their own minds, but you do? Tyrion Lannister: Well ...
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Doran Martell: I Didn't Realize There Were Knights Of The Blackwater. Bronn: Only The One.

Doran Martell: I didn't realize there were knights of the Blackwater. Bronn: Only the one.
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It's Easy To Confuse What Is With What Ought To Be, Especially When What Is Has Worked Out In Your Favor.

It's easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.
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Jon Snow: The First Lord Commander In History To Sacrifice The Lives Of Sworn Brothers To Save The Lives Of Wildlings. How's It Feel To Be Friends With The Most Hated Man In Castle Black? Samwell Tarly: You Were Friends With Me When I First Came Here. And I Wasn't Winning Any Elections Back Then.

Jon Snow: The first Lord Commander in history to sacrifice the lives of sworn brothers to save the lives of wildlings. How's it feel ...
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Daario Naharis: Are You Good On A Horse? Tyrion Lannister: Middling. Daario Naharis: So Mainly You Talk. Tyrion Lannister: And Drink.

Daario Naharis: Are you good on a horse? Tyrion Lannister: Middling. Daario Naharis: So mainly you talk. Tyrion Lannister: And drink.
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If Gilly Stays Here, Then She'll Die. And The Baby That She Named After Me Will Die. And I'll End Up Dying, Too, Trying To Protect Them. Which Means That The Last Thing That I'll See In This World Will Be The Look In Her Eyes When I Fail Them. And I'd Rather See A Thousand White Walkers Than See That.

If Gilly stays here, then she'll die. And the baby that she named after me will die. And I'll end up dying, too, trying to protec...
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If I'm Going To Die, Let It Happen While There Is Still Some Of Me Left.

If I'm going to die, let it happen while there is still some of me left.
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I Know. About You And Mother. I Think A Part Of Me Always Knew. And I'm Glad. I'm Glad That You're My Father.

I know. About you and mother. I think a part of me always knew. And I'm glad. I'm glad that you're my father.
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Tyrion Lannister: You Love Her, Don't You? How Could You Not? Of Course It's Hopeless For The Both Of You. A Sellsword From The Fighting Pits, A Disgraced Knight. Neither One Of You Is Fit Consort For A Queen. But We Always Want The Wrong Woman. Daario Naharis: Does He Always Talk So Much?

Tyrion Lannister: You love her, don't you? How could you not? Of course it's hopeless for the both of you. A sellsword from the f...
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I'm Arya Stark. Do You Know Who You Are? You're No One. You're Nothing.

I'm Arya Stark. Do you know who you are? You're no one. You're nothing.
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The Faces Are For No One. You Are Still Someone. And To Someone, The Faces Are As Good As Poison.

The faces are for no one. You are still someone. And to someone, the faces are as good as poison.
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Tyrion Lannister: I'm Stuck Here Trying To Placate A City On The Brink Of Civil War. Any Advice For An Old Comrade? Lord Varys: Information Is The Key. You Need To Learn Your Enemy's Strengths And Strategies. You Need To Learn Which Of Your Friends Are Not Your Friends. Tyrion Lannister: If Only I Knew Someone With A Vast Network Of Spies. Lord Varys: If Only.

Tyrion Lannister: I'm stuck here trying to placate a city on the brink of civil war. Any advice for an old comrade? Lord Varys: Infor...
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The Master Of Coin Finds The Money. The King And The Hand Spend It.

The master of coin finds the money. The king and the Hand spend it.
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Robert Baratheon: What Did The Mad King Say When You Stabbed Him In The Back? I Never Asked. Did He Call You A Traitor? Did He Plead For A Reprieve? Jaime Lannister: He Said The Same Thing He'd Been Saying For Hours... Burn Them All.

Robert Baratheon: What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for ...
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Yoren: When You're A Hundred Miles North Of The Wall And You Ate Your Last Meal A Week Ago, You Leave Nothing For The Wolves. Tyrion Lannister: And How Do A Bear's Balls Taste? Yoren: A Bit Chewy. And What About You, My Lord? What's The Strangest Thing You've Eaten? Tyrion Lannister: Do Dornish Girls Count?

Yoren: When you're a hundred miles north of the Wall and you ate your last meal a week ago, you leave nothing for the wolves. Tyrion ...
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You Dare! You Give Commands To Me? To Me? You Do Not Command The Dragon. I Am Lord Of The Seven Kingdoms. I Don't Take Orders From Savages Or Their Sluts. Do You Hear Me?

You dare! You give commands to me? To me? You do not command the dragon. I am Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. I don't take orders from sa...
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Cersei Lannister: You Should Be The Hand Of The King. Jaime Lannister: That's An Gaji I Can Do Without. Their Days Are Too Long, Their Lives Are Too Short.

Cersei Lannister: You should be the Hand of the King. Jaime Lannister: That's an gaji I can do without. Their days are too long, thei...
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The Starks Are Always Right Eventually, Winter Is Coming. This One Will Be Long, And Dark Things Will Come With It.

The Starks are always right eventually, winter is coming. This one will be long, and dark things will come with it.
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Tell Me, If I'd Stabbed The Mad King In The Belly Instead Of The Back, Would You Admire Me More?

Tell me, if I'd stabbed the Mad King in the belly instead of the back, would you admire me more?
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The Boy Won't Talk. And If He Does, I'll Kill Him. Him, Ned Stark, The King, The Whole Bloody Lot Of Them, Until You And I Are The Only People Left In This World.

The boy won't talk. And if he does, I'll kill him. Him, Ned Stark, the King, the whole bloody lot of them, until you and I are th...
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Eddard Stark: Very Handsome Armor. Not A Scratch On It. Jaime Lannister: I Know. People Have Been Swinging At Me For Years, But They Always Seem To Miss. Eddard Stark: You've Chosen Your Opponents Wisely Then. Jaime Lannister: I Have A Knack For It.

Eddard Stark: Very handsome armor. Not a scratch on it. Jaime Lannister: I know. People have been swinging at me for years, but they alwa...
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The More People...

The more people you love, the weaker you are. You'll do things for them that you know you shouldn't do. You'll act the fool t...
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Cersei Lannister: I'm Sorry Your Marriage To Ned Stark Didn't Work Out. You Seemed So Good Together. Robert Baratheon: I'm Glad I Could Do Something To Make You Happy.

Cersei Lannister: I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. You seemed so good together. Robert Baratheon: I'm gl...
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Great Rangers Never Get Old Is The Problem. Shit Ones Neither. Lt's Them In The Middle That Last A Long Time.

Great rangers never get old is the problem. Shit ones neither. lt's them in the middle that last a long time.
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L Asked Him, How Can A Man Be Brave If He's Afraid? That Is The Only Time A Man Can Be Brave, He Told Me.

l asked him, "How can a man be brave if he's afraid?" "That is the only time a man can be brave," he told me.
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L Will Hurt You For This. A Day Will Come When You Think You're Safe And Happy, And Your Joy Will Turn To Ashes In Your Mouth...

l will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you're safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And yo...
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